Quarantine Gifts For Kids

Due to the conditions prevailing in many countries and cities, children do not attend kindergartens and schools and spend all day in quarantine at home.

Each family is facing the need for maintenance of the education of their children, as well as with the issue of entertainment. Today my article is about great ideas that can help you.

Learning Activities & Things To Do With Kids At Home (up to 6 years old)

Main and most important: communicate with the child! It is the best time to share your time and love. Learn colors, animals, plants, letters, and numbers. If he already knows this, conduct scientific research, for example, plant, and observe a plant’s growth and development.

One of the important stages in kindergarten is the development of hand-motor skills. We are developing! The recipe is simple! Mix several types of pasta, buckwheat, and rice on one plate. Give the child a task to pack these items in different heaps or on plates. Put the beads on some rope, sculpt figures from puff pastry, etc.

Magnetic Doodle Board 3-6 Years

Use magnetic boards for perhaps the first touches of your little ones, or whole pictures of preschoolers. With its help, it will be easier for you to learn letters, numbers, learn to write, count and develop imagination.

12/24/2023 06:00 am GMT
My First Soft Book
$30.99 $17.99 ($3.00 / Count)

Benefits that you can use to educate your baby. These are soft books that will interest him in teaching various topics, for example, fruits, vegetables, animals, counting, etc. If you were just going to send the child to kindergarten, or just gave them, then you must have these assistants at home.

12/24/2023 06:00 am GMT
Baby Touch and Feel: Animals

There is a whole set of such interesting books where children can find out the name of an animal and feel it by touch. With this kit, you could help your child explore the world of all life and not only.

12/23/2023 06:01 am GMT
Active Minds Wipe Clean Learning Boards

The same blackboard book will help you learn to write learned letters and numbers, figures, or their elements. In the event of an error, or repetition, the child can easily wipe the marker and get a clean sheet again.

12/24/2023 06:10 am GMT
80-Piece Building Blocks

I need to write about the constructor. For kids, this is a very important thing, with the help of which he not only learns to translate his fantasies into reality, design and build something, with the help of him you can continue the learning process. Learn colors, alphabet, kind words, new words, make sentences, mathematics - numbers, concepts big-small, easy-heavy, long-short, and other educational topics.

12/24/2023 01:20 pm GMT
Ultimate Classic Retro and Vintage Toy

As they say, everything that shines attracts the attention and delight of children. This gift will provide an opportunity to create, and implement your ideas, develop eye coordination, and fine motor skills of the hand, and most importantly, enjoy your work.

12/24/2023 06:10 am GMT
VTech Record & Learn KidiStudio

Own music studio, when not yet? The child will be able to listen to many songs, sing them on his own, learn them, play them, get to know musical works of different genres, and will also develop hand motility and his musical ear.

Outdoor Exploration Kit

Allow your child to explore the world on their own. This kit is designed for just that. With it, the child will be able to observe the birds, animals which it is advisable not to come close to, small insects, plants, and much more that the kid will discover and come up with for himself, which will be interesting to you.

Play and develop your child, and continue to learn with him.

The Curious Bear Interactive Plush Toy

It will be a new friend to your children. He will teach responsibility, attention, care, security issues, and the ability to build dialogue and monologue. This miracle bear will become a favorite for preschoolers and even schoolchildren. Every day for 2-3 weeks, children will play with him without stopping. My friends did just that, try it too!

Water Doodle Mat
$37.99 $27.99

A wonderful learning mat for children. The kit includes the necessary pens, patterns for drawing, and a booklet for drawing. Everything necessary for independent development, together with parents, brothers or sisters, or friends.

12/24/2023 05:36 pm GMT
Pet Care Play Set Doctor Kit for Kids

Your child must be madly in love with animals. But perhaps he does not have the opportunity to have an animal in his house. Then you can give this dog a present. Children will play to take care of him. And at the same time, to develop your vocabulary, and imagination and also learn to love nature.

Digital Camera for Kids

My friends have a daughter. She had a very vivid crisis 3 years, now she is 4, and after the crisis, she no longer obeyed and did not want anything. Their parents bought her a digital camera, but it was just a gift.

It may sound fabulous, but how much the girl was interested in the camera, that she began to eat well and take pictures of herself, learn letters, draw whole stories and take pictures of all this. When the girl got this camera, she said: "here it is - my meaning of life». Maybe your children need a "meaning of life?"

Olefun Dinosaur Toys

A lot of children of preschool and primary school age are interested in the history of the appearance and disappearance of dinosaurs. If you show them these figures of dinosaurs and also a book about them, consider your child was kidnapped by dinosaurs. They will consider every element of this unknown animal. The study that children do themselves is instinctive.

12/23/2023 05:16 am GMT
Wooden Number Puzzle

Mathematical block for stacking objects, learning numbers, and geometric shapes. Carers recommend this game for sorting items, as it develops fine motor skills of hand, eye, and hand coordination, and color recognition, and stimulates and trains the child’s imagination.

12/23/2023 12:54 am GMT

Good Gifts For Quarantine

Perhaps you need to add live music to complete harmony at home. But this requires such a tool. Your kid will be happy to play wonderful and funny melodies, develop his musical ear, hand and eye coordination, and will also learn to feel the rhythm.

A good and useful toy that children enjoy playing with. Puzzles with the alphabet will make learning easy, quick and interesting. After learning the letters themselves, puzzles can be used to add words and possibly short sentences.

A bag of future mathematicians. You can use it in several stages. The first stage: the study of numbers. The second stage: learning the correct spelling of numbers in letters up to 10.

The third stage: learning the spelling of numbers in letters up to 20. The fourth stage: adding and subtracting simple examples. Fifth step: adding and subtracting examples is more complicated. The further stages of using this game are yours and your child’s imagination.

An interactive poster with which you and your child go to the animal world. Learn their types, behavior, funny facts about them. And also you can sing and dance to cheerful energetic music.

20 interesting pieces with letters and syllables for adding words in the form of a dog. With the help of color diversity, it will be easy for children to find a soul mate for each toy. Children are very fond of this game, do not get tired of it.

One of the coolest toys for boys and girls. From a very young age, about 5 years, these posters will become very popular as soon as the child wants to study himself. Everything is accessible, detailed, and most importantly in the language of children. It will be useful for children under 10 years old.

Children are full of energy, it is important to allow throwing out this energy or direct it in the right direction. With this robot, you can make the first and second options together. He makes the child move with him a lot. And also carries an educational element. When purchasing this robot, stock up on batteries and enjoy your free time.

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How To Occupy A Primary School Child During Quarantine?

The whole family will be delighted with the interactive globe. A child of any age will take something useful for himself, the smallest will be attracted by a comparison of things on the globe and the screen. Children a little older will be interested in unusual places and stories from around the world. A useful toy should be in every house where they like to travel.

If your child is not enthusiastic about mathematics, then it is presented incorrectly for him. This game can change the student’s views and can be very interesting. It can keep your baby busy all day. The game is very informative and fulfills practical skills. But my recommendation: keep the motivation, do not let the child to this device for the whole day, so he quickly burns out to study.

Repetition of learned letters, replenishment of vocabulary, phonetics of words, the correct spelling of words, correlation of the sound of a word with its real meaning, and reading of words. Using these flashcards, your child will acquire the skills listed above.

Good training material with help. which the child will be easier to learn his first hundred. The mathematical table can be used in stages from an early age – 3 years. Studying the numbers up to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.80, 90,100 and also with this, the child learns to order their sequence.

A useful game that helps replenish vocabulary, improve reading and writing skills, build sentences, clearly express your thoughts. It can be used from kindergarten until the moment the child will be interested, but this game will be more productive from grade 1.

What does a child need besides a constructor? You have not seen how a child spends his time with these plastic disks. Enthusiastic in the process, he does not cease to fantasize while developing his creativity and spatial thinking.

There is no limit to creativity! Can your child build a whole city? There is a brochure for this toy on how to do this, but the child’s creativity is clearly above all the tips. With these details, they will create anything!

Cool Gifts For Quarantine

Puzzles will teach you to understand the logic of constructing sentences of different types. This is a practical way to learn such a complex topic and free children from worksheets. For some primary school children, this can be a difficult process, especially Grade 1. But children a little older should appreciate them!

Building wooden blocks are ready to take the time from your children. They develop the child’s thinking, creativity, patience, fine motor skills, accuracy, trigger all mathematical processes, and much more. They attract children of all ages.

Tetris that you can touch. The game helps children to be patient, calm, and focused on a certain time. Well suited for elementary school children, because the details are small and children will not want to drag themselves into their mouths.

We continue to build. What will we build? All that the imagination and imagination of the children desire. Good for grades 1 and 2. If your student has an interest in such things, give him this game during the quarantine period.

Another option for building toys. A large set includes many tubes (which can be connected in different ways), connectors and wheels. We develop a sleight of hand and do not interrupt the creativity of the child. On the contrary, we help translate fantasy into reality.

Great Quarantine Toys

Read Also: Gifts For People Who Work From Home

Last update on 2024-10-17

Lily Mills

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